Optimising Lipid Management – Resources

The following resources are available to clinicians:
Summary of National Guidance for Lipid Management for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

This has been developed by the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) and endorsed by NICE:
Statin Intolerance Pathway

This has been developed by NHSE to support a consistent approach to the management of statin intolerance.

In addition, the Health Innovation Network (formally AHSN) have developed the following pathways to support healthcare professionals implement NICE and other relevant evidence in lipid management in secondary prevention. They should be considered alongside other relevant guidance e.g the National Guidance for Lipid Management Pathway (above) and Statin Intolerance Pathway (above).
Lipid Optimisation Pathway following an Acute Cardiovascular Event Acute Ischaemic Stroke / Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) or Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)

Lipid Optimisation Pathway for Secondary Prevention in Primary Care

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