Why does Medicines Safety matter?
Medication has a huge potential to do good, but errors can occur at many points in the medication cycle – prescribing, dispensing, administering, monitoring and use. Medication errors (often preventable) can lead to adverse outcomes such as patient harm, prolonged hospital stay, and increased financial burden to the NHS.

How are the BLMK ICB medicines optimisation team addressing medicines safety?
Through collaborate working with our partners and providers, we implement, support and monitor high-quality, safe prescribing and use of medicines, including actions to reduce inappropriate prescribing, implement national alerts and assure quality in commissioned services across the integrated care system (ICS).

What actions are we taking?

  • We send medicines safety related information/updates/alerts periodically within the ICS and support GP practices in implementing and monitoring progress on any actions required from safety alerts.
  • We work with the ICB quality team to support the investigation of medicines-related safety incidents and develop systems and processes, as appropriate, to share learning from medicines-related safety incidents to our providers and partners and prevent them from recurring.
  • We form part of the local, regional and national medicines safety officer network to share learning and implement best practice in medicines safety.

Get in touch with us at blmkicb.mso@nhs.net

Further sources of Medicines Safety Information:

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