Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Area Prescribing Committee

Ref: APC Bulletin 275
Bulletin Date: 10/12/20
Review Date: June 2022

Bulletin 275: Idarucizumab Injection and Liothyronine Injection – Position Statement

APC Recommendations:


Idarucizumab Injection and Liothyronine Injection are excluded from the National Tariff. As a result of this, the CCGs needed to confirm commissioning arrangements relating to these products.

JPC Recommendations:-

  • Idarucizumab injection is commissioned (as with other antidotes), in line with Royal College of Emergency Medicine and National Poisons Information Service Guideline on Antidotes.
  • Liothyronine injection is supported for its licensed indication (i.e. for the treatment of myxoedema coma, usually in conjunction with other measures including the intravenous injection of a corticosteroid).
  • Commissioning of liothyronine injection for the management of organ donors after brain death is not currently recommended.
  • The CCGs will only fund the costs of these products when they are administered to a patient. The cost of ‘out of date’ stock must not be charged to the CCGs.

As these drugs are used in the emergency situation, BCCG and LCCG confirmed that the Trusts would not be required to submit proformas for funding approval.

Updated December 2020

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