Care Homes

BLMK ICB Care Home Medicines Optimisation (MO) team consists of clinical pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who are responsible for, and act as key contacts for care homes within their localities.

Our roles:
Pharmacy Technicians – provide an invaluable role reviewing medicines management processes and procedures in care homes, with hands on support and training around the handling and administration of medicines, shadowing medication rounds, audits and improving communications.
Pharmacists – support with complex structured medication reviews (SMRs), training and education of care home staff, new starters in PCNs and pre-reg students. The pharmacists are also responsible for writing and maintaining care home guidance and policies, implementation of new guidance, quarterly care home newsletters and support with general queries.

Strategic Work:
As the care home team we also work collaboratively with the ICB Place based locality teams, Commissioning MO teams, Quality Improvement nurses, Infection Prevention Control teams, Continuing Healthcare (CHC) teams and Safeguarding teams, as well as ICS key stakeholders such as, Care Providers, Local Authorities (LAs), Primary Care Networks (PCNs), and Trust Providers.
Please refer to our ‘Care Home Medicines Optimisation Team (MOT) Service Referral Pathway’ for more information

Bedford and Central Bedfordshire:
Milton Keynes:

Please use the search facility to find your relevant guideline or document. Either enter a relevant drug name or medical condition or you can filter by category (This option will list all relevant guidelines specific to the category selected).

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